Ask yourself, what is the track record for the IBEW? How often have they won elections elsewhere? Has anyone attempted to kick them out?
Check out the information below to learn about this union and how they choose to manage their business.
As any union organizer could tell you, the fact is "getting people to sign an authorization card is easy; getting them to vote for the union is much harder." Last year alone, the NLRB handled 4,381 petitions involving IBEW for representation elections of which 28% were withdrawn because the union backed out before the election could be held. However, the NLRB did monitor 2937 representation (RC) elections and another 438 decertification (RD) elections to kick out the union. If gaining something "more" was as simple as filing a petition or voting for a union, everyone would do it. The fact is, that just isn't the case. Only 6.0% of US private sector workers choose to be represented by labor unions.
CLICK THE LINK to download the union's representation elections !
CLICK THE LINK to download the union's elections to decertify and kick them out!
How has the IBEW performed involving large units of employees (500+)? Of the 22 petitions filed to request elections in hopes to represent employees, they withdrew and "backed out" on 35%. IBEW only won the right to represent employees on 25%. That means they FAILED to even win a seat at the negotiations table on 75% of the petitions they've filed.